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Shipping & Returns

Shipping Policy

  1. Shipments typically takes anywhere between 2 to 7 business days to reach depending on their destination.

  2. The shipping expenses are determined at the time of checkout, taking into account the weight, dimensions, and delivery location of the items in your order. Payment for shipping will be collected with the purchase. This price will be the final price for shipping cost to the customer.

  3. You can request a change of delivery address at any point before we have shipped the order, please contact our customer service team for this.

  4. If the delivery time has gone beyond the estimated duration, kindly get in touch with us so that we can initiate an inquiry.

  5. After we dispatch the order, customers will receive a tracking link, enabling them to monitor their shipment’s progress with the most recent updates from the shipping provider.

Return & Exchange Policy

  1. If you wish to cancel your order placed, please contact our customer services team for cancellation requests and refunds. If your order has already been dispatched, we will not be in a position to do cancellations. We provide refunds in the form of store credit, which customers can use for future purchases.

  2. If the product you have received turns out to be damaged or otherwise of poor quality, please notify us as soon as reasonably possible after you become aware of the damaged or poor quality. After we receive your product information (Images for verification), our team of professionals will inspect it & process your refund.

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